I've installed a statistics tool on my blog engine about 2 months ago. That's great, I know many things about you my dear reader !

You are 75% to use Windows XP (GNU/Linux: 7% - OSX: 2%) whereas 58% use Internet Explorer against 37% for Firefox. There's still some progress to do regarding to the free software ;) . Obviously, US is the first origin with 37%, followed by France (12%) and UK (11%). The dominating articles are clearly related to the UTMB (hint...), the first one being UTMB 2005. A big thank you to playmbd which is the first independent site to drain readers with about 1% of the origins (far behind the search engines). It's fun, I can also monitor the frequency of connections from sites such as univ-mulhouse.fr, amadeus.net or u-strasbg.fr, which give me a hint about the reader identity :)

The little game is the following: can you guess what are the keywords most people use to reach this blog via the search engines ? I have a copy of the current top 20 keywords (so that no one tries to influence the stats), you can post your list of 5 words as a comment. You will be rewarded some points proportionally to the popularity of each word in the top 20. Results on the 29th. Good luck !

Ultra blog engine stats